
Select your Orbital Shell preferred download

Get the binary from NuGet - Windows 10 Any CPU

using PowerShell and nuget get binary package for Windows 10 Any CPU of Orbital Shell:
cd $Env:ProgramFiles
nuget install OrbitalShell -version 1.0.0-beta-preview-3
cd OrbitalShell.1.0.0-beta-preview-3
Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                -------------         ------ ----
d-----       09/01/2021     18:16                Component
d-----       09/01/2021     18:16                cs
d-----       09/01/2021     18:16                de
d-----       09/01/2021     18:16                Defaults
d-----       09/01/2021     18:16                es
d-----       09/01/2021     18:16                fr
d-----       09/01/2021     18:16                it
d-----       09/01/2021     18:16                ja
d-----       09/01/2021     18:16                ko
d-----       09/01/2021     18:16                pl
d-----       09/01/2021     18:16                pt-BR
d-----       09/01/2021     18:16                ru
d-----       09/01/2021     18:16                Shell
d-----       09/01/2021     18:16                tr
d-----       09/01/2021     18:16                zh-Hans
d-----       09/01/2021     18:16                zh-Hant
-a----       08/10/2020     07:37          77824 dotnet-console-app-toolkit.dll
-a----       08/10/2020     07:37          41160 dotnet-console-app-toolkit.pdb
-a----       09/01/2021     12:29         185344 DotNetConsoleAppToolkit-Shell.dll
-a----       09/01/2021     12:29          89080 DotNetConsoleAppToolkit-Shell.pdb
-a----       07/05/2020     03:40        5249920 Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.dll
-a----       07/05/2020     03:40          31608 Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Scripting.dll
-a----       07/05/2020     03:40        2372488 Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.dll
-a----       07/05/2020     03:40         134008 Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Scripting.dll
-a----       09/01/2021     16:25          77824 OrbitalShell-ConsoleApp.dll
-a----       09/01/2021     16:25          41224 OrbitalShell-ConsoleApp.pdb
-a----       09/01/2021     16:25         185344 OrbitalShell-Kernel.dll
-a----       09/01/2021     16:25          89056 OrbitalShell-Kernel.pdb
-a----       09/01/2021     16:25          30874 orbsh.deps.json
-a----       09/01/2021     16:25         206848 orbsh.dll
-a----       09/01/2021     16:25         375296 orbsh.exe
-a----       09/01/2021     16:25          10352 orbsh.pdb
-a----       09/01/2021     16:25            214
-a----       09/01/2021     16:25            154 orbsh.runtimeconfig.json
add the path of Orbital Shell binaries to the system PATH (example) :
C:\Program Files\OrbitalShell.1.0.0-beta-preview-3
from a PowerShell console (for example: Windows Terminal), you can run Orbital Shell :

Get the full source code from GitHub

using PowerShell and git get the projects from the GitHub repository of the Orbital Shell project:
cd MyProjects
git clone
cd ./orbital-shell

Get, compile and run Orbital Shell

using PowerShell,dotnet and git, get a clone of the Orbital Shell repository, compile it and run it:

cd ~
git clone
cd ./orbital-shell
dotnet build OrbitalShell.sln
cd .OrbitalShell-CLI/bin/Debug/netcoreapp3.1

Get Orbital Shell SDK package from NuGet

using PowerShell,dotnet, get and link to the Orbital Shell SDK nuget package from your C# project:

cd MyProject
dotnet add package OrbitalShell --version 1.0.0-beta-preview-2      
then you can use the Orbital Shell SDK from your C# code.