Develop a new command using the orbsh SDK

Sample: write a command relating to file system

First add the necessary imports:
  using OrbitalShell.Component.CommandLine.CommandModel;
  using OrbitalShell.Component.CommandLine.Parsing;
  using OrbitalShell.Component.CommandLine.Processor;
  using OrbitalShell.Component.CommandLine.Variable;
  using OrbitalShell.Component.Console;
  using OrbitalShell.Lib;
  using OrbitalShell.Lib.Data;
  using OrbitalShell.Lib.FileSystem;
  using System;
  using System.Collections.Generic;
  using System.Data;
  using System.IO;
  using System.Linq;
  using System.Threading;
  using System.Threading.Tasks;
  using static OrbitalShell.Component.CommandLine.CommandLineReader.Interaction;
  using static OrbitalShell.DotNetConsole;
  using static OrbitalShell.Lib.FileSystem.FileSystem;
  using static OrbitalShell.Lib.Str;
  using sc = System.Console;
Then you can write a method and its body for your new command implementation:
If you build your code as a .net standard 2.1 class library, it will be usable as a module in Orbital Shell:
  # orbsh
  module -l MyCommands.dll